Posts tagged eco
Could you be a new Grow Batheaston Trustee?

Earlier this year Grow Batheaston achieved charity status and we are now looking to recruit more Trustees and build the capacity and capability of our board.

Our Trustees will have an interest in environmental issues and/or community sports and/or arts and culture. We are specifically looking for people with experience in the following areas, but we are happy to receive applications from people with a broad range of skills and experience.

1.    Legal skills

2.    Fund raising

3.    Community bases initiatives

4.    Land management

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Eco Together Welcome and Outreach

Eco Together is being run by Transition Bath, based on similar successful projects elsewhere in the country. It brings together small groups of neighbours, friends or colleagues for 5 structured sessions to support each other in making changes that tackle climate change and the cost of living crisis in ways that suit each person best. Eco Together helps people do the eco-activities that have been on the list for a long time and will be very satisfying to complete!

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