Eco Together Welcome and Outreach


Community Planting session with steering committee members, volunteers and Trustees - Liz Lee, Alison Harper, Phil Rogers, Harry Adams, Ali Rogers, Emily Wright and See Harper

The vast majority of people are concerned about our environment and climate. Eco Together gives you the resources to act effectively, whilst also saving money to tackle rising costs. Eco Together brings together small groups of neighbours, friends or colleagues for 5 structured sessions to support each other in making a difference in the way that suits each person best. It can be used by anyone - whatever your age, background, income or worldview.

Each person selects their own activities - helped by a well-researched activity pack that covers energy,  food, waste and purchases. Importantly, Eco Together takes stock of the powers each of us have to create change - through our lifestyles and also as communicators, community members and advocates. Group members run the sessions themselves and there are no costs involved. The Eco Together website is and you can sign up for free launch tickets below:

Feedback from previous groups:

"Friendly, helpful and non judgemental way to be greener"
"Meeting neighbours with similar goals and hearing what they are doing"
"I feel more able to access my own power, to make changes to my own situation and to communicate."