What’s happening at the Batheaston Pop-up pub


In January, our impressive new Village Hall finally opened its doors. One of the first events marking this occasion was the newly created Village Pop-up Pub. The idea was hatched by a group of local residents over a few glasses of wine and mindful that Batheaston has lost two pubs in recent times. Not only has the Pop-up flourished and become a great place to meet friends and locals but it has already raised several thousand pounds for the Village Hall.

That first event was attended by 140 people who enjoyed great home-made food, real ale and a selection of wines and spirits. Images of the local area over the years were displayed on the walls in a wonderful slide show, music played, and bunting and fairy lights adorned the walls. It was a huge success.

The second Pop-up hosted a Quiz Night for 70 people. This too was very well-received and we plan to run another later in the year. The third event was a quieter affair offering locals the chance to simply relax together over drinks and tasty snacks. The latest event was held on the Friday of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations with 125 enthusiastic revellers packing the Hall and being treated royally with flags, fanfares and delicious food, Pimms and fizz.

Your positive comments and helpful feedback have been lovely to hear and make all the voluntary work that goes into these events well worth the effort! One of the main comments we receive is “great value for money”. Entry costs £10 for which you get to enjoy the venue and the evening’s theme, 3 alcoholic drinks (175ml glasses of wine or fizz, half pints of beers or cider, and spirits - £7 for 3 non-alcoholic drinks) and fabulous home-made light bites. There is always a raffle with locally donated prizes (for which we are most grateful and very willing to accept at any time!). But remember, we are not only here to put on fun social evenings but to raise as much money as possible for YOUR Village Hall, so please do keep on supporting us and attending our monthly Pop-up Pub evenings.

Cheers from all the Team

Future Events – (normally Friday 6-9pm)

1st July – Summer Party


9th September – Bingo

7th October – Oktoberfest

18th November – Quiz

30th December – New Year Party Warm Up

Further information at villagepopuppub1@gmail.com