Become a Trustee of Grow Batheaston!

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Description of the role & person specification


Grow Batheaston is a one year old community group initiated by a small group of local residents, coming into existence as a response to the pandemic which threw into relief the problems society is currently facing. The group’s common love of growing and gardening sustainably has enabled it to flourish and encompass wider areas of interest which now includes plans for a local store, a community garden, a Hen Club, a Bee Club, a Sports and Fitness branch, a Wellbeing group, support for a local Art Trail plus collaborations with other organisations within the village.


Grow Batheaston is about to apply for charitable status. We will be able to take advantage of better funding streams and make our organisation more resilient. We need committed, well-informed, enthusiastic individuals to help us negotiate this exciting new way forward by forming a Board of Trustees. Appointed trustees will be working with a group of creative and committed individuals, and will understand the underlying ethos of the group which is to strengthen community, create food security and encourage biodiversity.


Appointed trustees will have experience of working in or with community groups; areas of expertise could be as diverse as business management, wildlife conservation, nature projects, the arts, agroecology, organic food production, fundraising, sports coaching. More important is a cooperative, creative approach and a willingness to help develop a sustainable strategic vision for the benefit of the whole community.

If interested please visit or email