May's Mind's Matters Month!


Fleur Demeranville Dash from Love my Mind would love to introduce herself to the Grow Batheaston community. She is a Solution focused hypnotherapist, and is going to send out lots of (hopefully) helpful information, hints and tips for May's Mind's Matter Month.

Here's a little video for you to put a face to the name

She's also on

Grow Batheaston Wellbeing Group

Grow Batheaston Wellbeing Group

So what exactly is the solution focused approach to changing our mental health?

In the most simple terms, it is when we learn to turn the volume down on our problems, and turn the brightness up on all the wonderful things in our lives.

When we become consumed by all of our worry, stress and anxiety, our everyday lives are driven by negativity, making us feel rubbish. We are likely to take offence at the smallest things, be snappy, feel overwhelmed and then often guilty when we over react.

The solution focused approach teaches us to gently start to look for the positives in our lives, so they can be our main focus. Searching for the beauty in everyday life, literally stopping to smell the flowers and taking time to reflect helps us change our wellbeing.

Shifting our thoughts towards how we want things to be, appreciating all that we do have, and looking for the joy in each moment, helps us to put our problems into perspective, and breaks the negative thought cycle.

Our brains can only concentrate on around 7 things at any time, so we can train our brains for these to be 7 glorious things, rather than doubts, worries and irritations.

My clients often find it helpful to keep a ‘gratefulness’ diary, to help them see the positives, and making lists of achievements rather than of ‘things to do’ is a brilliant way of changing thoughts with ease.

Why not give it a go? What have you got to lose?