Community orchard tree planting

Community Orchard Tree Planting

Saturday, the 31st October 2020 was an auspicious day. There was a full moon, it was Halloween and the morning saw a deluge of rain. It was also the day that Grow Batheaston began their long planned for tree planting program. A torrential downpour, sticky mud, and social distancing was not enough to deter a few hardy souls from the core Grow Batheaston team from getting spades in the ground to begin their long awaited community orchard. This was on the first of several sites around the village where fruit and nut trees will be planted for the benefit of the local community, trees which will be nurtured and cared for in their new homes by volunteers and local residents. Over the coming weeks spring flowering bulbs will also be planted around the trees, a promise of good things to come and will provide a welcome splash of colour to brighten up the area after the winter. During the season some areas of grass will be left to grow longer to provide habitat for various species - including beetles, grasshoppers, moth and butterfly caterpillars. These in turn will benefit birds, bats and hedgehogs.

The trees have been planted on the slope next to the Scout hut and adjacent to Batheaston Church school, fitting, as several trees had been donated by the school and the rest by local residents and we have ended up with 18 trees in total so far. Most have no labels so we are looking forward to a few surprises!

Grow Batheaston is a community group which has come together to encourage a more sustainable way of living. We have exciting plans for the future and if you would like to know more, would like to get involved, or donate towards the next phase of planting please visit or email us at and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

On another note - Do you ever shop at the Coop in Larkhall? Become a Co-op Member, Join Co-op for £1 and choose a local cause to support in your community. When you buy selected Co-op products and services, 2p for every £1 spent goes back to you. And they’ll give the same amount to Grow Batheaston.

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