Grow Batheaston Network - Spring ‘24 Bulletin

What’s going on - some dates for your diary/organiser!

GB Social – Everyone invited, a great way to meet people! Sharon and Ali K have organised a second GB social on Thursday 2nd May,from 7.30pm onwards at the Crown, Bathford.

Junior football is back for girls and boys aged 4-10 every Saturdayfrom April 20th, 9.30- 11.30am at the Rhymes Pavilion playing field. GB has linked with Bath City Youth FC who will be managing the coaches and booking system.    

Outdoor Walking Football for the over 50s - every Wednesday from 10th April, 5.30 - 6.30pm, Football pitch, Rhymes playing field, 

Seed/plant swaps Saturday 20th April and Saturday May 11th,10am-12, Riverside car park. You can make a donation if you don’t have anything to swap. 

Forest Garden – next working group sessions Sunday 14th April and Saturday  27th April, 11am-1pm.

Beaver project events, part of the Festival of Nature.

·      Friday 7th June - Talks and films, exhibition of children’s work. Doors open 6.30pm for 7.30 pm start ,Batheaston New Village Hall. Tickets £5.

·      Saturday 8th June - Willow and other creative workshops on the Riverside.  

Curry and Quiz night - Saturday 8th June, at Batheaston New Village Hall, a fundraiser for the Art Trail. Doors open 6.15pm, Quiz starts 7.15pm. Tickets £10

Art trail – change of date to 28th and 29th September.

Bathampton Meadows Nature Reserve visit - 2pm Tuesday 4th June. Meet Batheaston Riverside Car Park. Leader Glen Maddison (Ecologist). Free, but numbers limited. To book a place contact

GB Lottery - GB is planning to start a lottery this summer to help raise funds to cover annual insurance and accountancy fees and other core costs. More details to follow.

The GB team

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