Dear resident
We are pleased to share with you that we have started the Grow Batheaston growers club. This club is open to any Batheaston resident no matter how much or little they might grow. There will be opportunities to:
share seeds, seedlings, plants and harvests.
brighten up areas of Batheaston village with new planting.
meet like minded people in your community - if only virtually at the moment!
exploring how we can start a community compost scheme, and bulk buying compost.
We have our first check in Zoom meeting on Thursday 18th March 8-9pm. Details to log on are below:
Go to and click 'Join meeting'
Meeting ID: 874 5556 9973
Passcode: GROW
This will be a regular meeting, so if you miss this one, then there will be one every 3rd Thursday of the month.
It would be lovely if you can join us,
Kind regards
Emily, GB Growers club facilitator